A C# int is always 32 bits in size. For C, yes you had to deal with this complication and you often see macros in C code to deal with variable int sizes. See For C, yes you had to deal with this complication and you often see macros in C code to deal with variable int sizes.
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architecture - Difference between the i386 download and the ... The difference between amd64 and i386 is that amd64 is 64-bit while i386 is 32-bit. This is the width (in bits) of registers available in the core. This is the width (in bits) of registers available in the core. Qual a diferença entre 32 e 64 bits? Qual devo usar? Diferença entre 32 e 64 bits? Em termos práticos os termos 32 e 64 bits referem-se a estrutura do processamento do CPU do seu computador. Um sistema de 64 bits consegue suportar mais memória RAM (a versão 32 bits suporta apenas 4 Gb), o que se traduz em maior desempenho em programas "pesados". Diferencia entre las versiones de 32 y 64 bits de Internet ... La versión de 64 bits de Internet Explorer solo puede alojar controles ActiveX de 64 bits nativos y otros objetos de página web de 64 bits. En este artículo se describen las diferencias entre las versiones de 32 bits y 64 bits de Internet Explorer que se incluyeron en la versiones basadas en x64 de Windows. Diferenças entre as versões de 32 bits e 64 bits do Internet ...